Monday, March 30, 2009

Part 2 of the remarks

Yes as i was saying, a few of my other friends, not from this school were given a chance to read your so-called 'blog'. In this post are the views of all 12 persons whom reviewed your blog. Their comments were out of this world and totally true!!! If you were to think that what qualifications do they have to give remarks about your blog then read the next few sentences carefully. 8 of them are males and the rest are females. All of them ,of course, have more brains than you. Well let's make it short, you are way below their league.
Their comments:
1:Your explanation and rebuttals about my my blog were totally untrue. This due to the fact that Windows 7 was released worldwide before Bill Gates left his office. If you do not know when he left, it was around mid-january. My friends and i did an anti-viral search against my browsing history and had found that fateful day the website had very strong influences against the search. This meant it scored a mere 24 out of 100. And well you can continue saying F*** in your blog about non-reality for all i care. This is a quote from his blog "How the heck did we know his computer was non-ftps ". My answer to this line is that you guys said i am lying right and even printed our conversation. Well why don't you 'smarty pants' read the last stanza and refer to this a quote take from windows live help "If the problem still persists, you or your contact may need to convert your system partition (A partition can be a section of your hard drive, or the entire drive. Partitions are usually created before the operating system is installed. For most home users, the hard drive has only one partition.) to NTFS (A file system that provides performance, security, reliability, and other advanced features.) " This is also applicable to non-ftps computers.
2. Maybe you should consider being the leader and follower of 'Naga is a loser club' because even a retard wouldn't want to be part of it especially when its worst then your face. So you might want to say at this point that i am one but sad to say i am not even in that lame club of yours,
Mr Zhen Cheng (PhD in behaving like a retard). Change it to 'Zhen cheng is a loser club' and charge a small fee, who knows you might get richer than Warren buffet.
3. Aaron if you had a brain,of course a human one not a bird brain, you should realise that previous post had this thing called "To be continued". Not only that about the "f****** motherboard says it all" i am not talking about your normal hp or acer computers. I am talking about Paladin PCs which are a few classes above the rest. These people are the 'Brainiac' version in computers. they max out a systems capabilities then make changes to the original quotations.
Ok maybe paladin's are to high for your brain's status so lets stick with intell. For an instance intell xeon, a core processing unit or motherboard as you say, has a normal windows vista operating system. That system can support upto 10 nivida GeForce 9300 graphic cards without crashing. Not only that this cpu has the abilities to support the whole of world of warcraft and does not crash. Meaning if you were the creator of an MMORPG, this is the kind of cpu you need. If you do not know what on earth a graphics card is try opening your pc and you will find the cpu, cooler fan unit below that you wuld find 2 chipboards. Both are around 4 by 1 inches. if you find them maybe i might make an exception and say your brain has grown a bit. Remember this a flat screen monitor needs 2 graphics cards at least to work properly. You should be able to figure out the capabilities of Windows 7 if you use your brains while reading this. If you were not the reason for my keyboard to spoil, are you trying to say that the root beer was poured inther by someone else???
4. Neo zhen cheng i do not where you are going to hide your face, since the sewer's reputation is in better condition than yours, i am willing to give you a suggestion try keeping that rotting mouth of yours shut if you do not know anything about a subject. And if you shuld know in New Zealand 'dumpster baby' is one who does not accept the truth and tells tales or in your cases lies to get out of the problem. So from this you can learn that whom the real liar is. Last but not least Zhen Cheng, if you had the brains you have would known that the stuff you have on your face are blemishes and not pimples. Blemishes are only found on old men with degrading virility. So are you really 14 or a 40 year old uncle???(watch out girls he might be a paedophile) so
***I do not entertain idiots, brainless and pitiful people like you guys***

Remarks about Moiselle Zhen Cheng's blog

Dude zhen cheng this is about your blog.
Your entry about me was really funny.
Especially your rebuttals made me and my friends laugh like hell!!
To be continued......

Friday, March 27, 2009

When some unknown people with lame sarcasm find out this thing called using their brains...

Usage of brains took place tdy,
i remember some other guy,
told me he's gd wif coms,
and that veri same lame ass,
did not realise that a non-ftps com,
can't use msn sharing folders,
dey still dare say my com is slow...

Dose dummies still dare 2 say,
dey didn't spoil my com ,
wen dey came my house 2 do project,
i had 2 go thru a whole lot of traps,
laid in my internal systems,
put a virus into it and re-format,
my whole com's system,
oh those dumb asses,
dey tink dey noe every thin but,
at the end of the day both of 'em,
do no noe dat windows 7 and,
windows vista can support upto,
4 graphic cards without crashin,
even a cousin of mine in india who,
doesn't even haf a com but noes msn,
knows dat...

Without java msn cannot be totally used,
the it professional dumb asses do not noe dat,
if tis was the i.t world both would have been,
chastised long ago 4 their so called 'professional',
in de end i got a session full of sarcasm,
and even saw a"my dad can use de com better than me",
don tell me his dad's bill gates,
i would pity that guy,
to haf a son as stupid and as lame as him,
dat fella' doesn't even noe the way of bein sarcastic,
furthermore i can't belief i paired up wif these kind's of ass holes,
S.A.S.S would haf been a far better choice than this skool,
full of ppl who don't even noe wat their talking about,
either that or thinks talkin shit is cool...

Wen it comes to hidin their blurfaces no 1 can beat em',
all day and nite rubbish is all dey noe o talk,
i wouldn,t be surprised if dey wer dumpster babies,
yea dat mite answer tis 'ancient' question of mine,
any way tis stanza is wat dey call sarcastic not someother lame shit,
can't bother about these unworthy ppl and their lives,
cos i haf a fixed one,
one which no 1 can change,
even these idiots can't change cos dey mite haf 2 sacrifice,
everythin and even their lives to change my destiny,
that mite not be enough statin the fact that they do not,
own anythin even down to their damn under wear,
so they mite be puttin high stakes so,

Monday, March 16, 2009

When u win a losing battle...

Ok yugoslavia,
is in good hands,
now the battle of new mexico,
tis might take about,
maybe 3 human years,
most probably,
if my coalition allies,
r willin 2 help,
it shud take abot,
2 to 2.5 years...

done math,
done hmt proj,
done some parts of humans proj,
so dat shud b it,
den nid 2 go ncc on wed,
mr. mark's birthday on fri,
aiyoyo i not sure,
of de dress code,
niod 2 get myself somethin,
nice and dark...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Flying over the mediteranean sea...

Today or even better,
now m flyin over it in the comanche,
and the,
self launching missiles,
haf been activated,
nid 2 send the minesquads,
den de prussian streetfighters...

After reaching russia,
deploy spy units 2 new mexico,
thru san diego,
if situation is bad,
haf 2 do bomb raids,
if its opp,
den total fumigation,
will take place,
i hope2 finish it by 2nite,
den will haf enough time,
2 come back in de X15,
change and go 2,
I.T show...

Buy a sony,
JVC or canon camcorder,
hmmph nid 2 change,
planes now,
from the comanche,
now at dubai,
2 de X15,
next stop,
Russia and Prussia,

The day wen your mind goes Berserk...

For me it was today,
lost New Mexico 2 Maximus,
in de mid of the Yugoslavic war,
@ S.A,
my grp,
Skorpio 88,
Maximus & co,
bitch-ass idiots,
yea any way bac 2 singapore...

Wen 2 supreme court,
was normal,
for a moment i tot it was p.s,
but no shop,
hope the ppl of,
supreme court don read tis,
den kena sue,
scary sia,
o ok den we see humpty court trial,
quite or to be exact its v.unrealistic,
accordin 2 my opinion,
den we go see the other type of proceedings,
dat occur @ supreme court...

came back and heard the bad news,
nid 2 take off 2 South Africa,
most probably sat nite,
lookin how issues haf blown,
man tis looks bad,
cape of good hope is my only hope,
to finish tis of 4 once,
and 4 all,
1st deploy anti-SAM,
send the clipper 280 squads (boeings),
den all i haf 2 do,
is de toughest job of,
commander in chief,
hair fall's gonna increase...

send in Panthers & chinooks 4 ariel-jammin,
hope jolly rogers don intervene,
as if dey r gundams,

Friday, March 6, 2009

Another day another BOND OO7...

As usual,
wait this is rare,
i did not get my ass kicked,
ya as usual i ate bread,
ol' bread to be specific,
wen 2 study de art of,
in long,

Done infiltrating Adolf Hitler dude,
nid 2 finish de game as fast,
so can buy,
M.O.H 10th anniversary,
special edition,
NC16 sia so nid fren help me buy,
heard the special CGI effects r good,
dats i can't afford to miss it,
sia lah haf 2 go people so,